Questions 21-24
Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.
21 How old are the students on the nursing program?
A They are teenagers.
B They are in their twenties
C They belong to different age groups
22 What do the speakers say about the group project?
A It helps to improve relationship among different classmates.
B It helps to develop problem solving skills.
C It provides supportive learning environment.
23 Which part of the program surprised Paul?
A There’s a number of essays to write.
B There’s a lot of practical work.
C There’s internship provided.
24 What do they feel about learning law?
A It is essential training.
B It is too theoretical.
C It takes up too much time.
Questions 25-30
What are the suggestions offered by the speakers?
Choose SIX answers from the box and write the correct letter, A-H, next to Questions 25-30.
A get feedback from teaching staff
B do more reading
C get help from school supporting staff
D get help for nursing problems
E manage time properly
F be well prepared
G review the notes regularly
H don’t set unrealistic goals
25 Essays
26 Lectures
27 Research
28 Online forum
29 Placement tests
30 Freshmen