Questions 31-38
Complete the notes below.
Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer.
Chimpanzee behaviours
• We can find Pan or Pan Troglodytes in West and Central Africa.
• The Bonobo or Pan Paniscus are found in Democratic Republic of Congo.
Current research
• rule out 31…………… and biological factors
• learn through 32…………… of other chimps’ behaviour
• The book The Third Chimpanzee by James Diamond discusses some physical features of chimpanzees.
• The discovery reported by Jane Goodall suggests that chimpanzees know how to use 33……………
Chimpanzees in Senegal
• use spears sharpened with their teeth
• can 34…………… the shell of a coconut
• use a 35…………… hammer to crash nuts
• are capable of learning 36…………… and understanding human language
• Bonobos live on the other side of a 37……………
• Both of them are reducing alarmingly in population 38……………
Questions 39-40
Choose TWO letters, A-E.
Which TWO topics about chimpanzees will the students discuss next week?
A They are slower than human in different ways.
B They learn things by copying humans’ behaviour.
C They develop behaviours generation by generation.
D They have very strong ability of logical thinking.
E They could be modified to adapt to the environment.